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where in the world

13 Sep

…have we been? We know, we know. 😦 Life has been kicking our booties lately. We have both been working way too hard.

if only we were co-workers...

And partying or gyming even harder.

In between all that – somehow getting in some serious resting in, too. 😉

this is a rest day... right?

Add in respective sicknesses, second jobs, natural disasters, apartment hunting, football season, lost phones, and things have been straight up cray cray. (<— btw, this is my new favorite phrase. I promise the phase will end soon. Maybe.)

(side note: read our rules if you’re confused on the bunny ears.)

I think we’ve all been there! Some days you get home from a long day (or your long day WAS at home if you are J) and the last thing you want to do is look at a computer. We appreciate your understanding while we gather our marbles. I think the last few might be hiding from us.. 😉 (Read as: #1 on this Seven Things A Twentysomething Can Do article. It’s hilarious.)

In other news, I was ecstatic to finally get to enjoy Fashion’s Night Out actually in New York City this year! It was a dream come true. 😀 (Even though I didn’t see a single celebrity, not even Pauly D. Sigh.)

my favorite city

free patron popsicles @ lacoste

fashion installation

I’ll take free alcohol and goodie bags every day, please. I think that might help my marble count. What do you think?!

ants in my pants

16 Mar

I’ve got ants in my pants. I’m going to scream.


I’ve just become even more discouraged/cranky/restless legged upon reading an passage from this article:

“If your symptoms are below the neck, such as coughing, body aches, fever, and fatigue, then it’s time to hang up the running shoes until these symptoms subside.”

I know there are more important things going on in the world. I hate being a whiny girl…but my body is USED to running now, and I honestly feel that my running hiatus (only ONE MILE since last Thursday) is making me feel WORSE.

And on a side note, this cranky hacker cougher:

guilty as charged

Has somehow magically turned into TWO cranky coughers:

sporting an evil look..he didn't even see it coming

Oops? I am REALLY hoping this does not affect my 8k Saturday. I am also hoping my mom reads this, drives down to VA from NJ, makes me chicken noodle soup, and gives me lots of presents and new clothes.

A girl can dream.

What about you, do you take time off when you’re sick? Even if you have a race coming up? I’m hoping these rest days magically transform me into a woman of supersonic speed Saturday, but in reality I am BUMMED.