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three things thursday.. (times two)

17 Nov

Courtney’s three:

1. I inadvertently crossed off some NYC Bucket list things – one of which I didn’t even know should be ON the list.

Top of the Rock is beautiful. The absolute best views. Hands down. I highly recommend it to everyone, even if you’ve lived here for 10 years.

(Although, I am a little biased because I didn’t have to pay. My momma and Uncle came to visit on Saturday, which means I got the mom-star-treatment.)

We accidentally walked through the Central Park Zoo. And I did see a seal. Does this count?

2. I ate a delicious pumpkin cookie today that my co-worker made. She got the recipe from here (she skipped the toffee chips, still so good!) The recipe looks soo simple, so definitely something to keep in mind.

3. My sister is pregnant and it takes all of my will-power not to buy her shirts like this. I also sent her the link to Gina’s cupcake gender reveal and told her I’d bake the cupcakes. Too much…?! 😉 I might be worse than my mother…

Three things from Jamie because I wanted to play the game too:

1. When I get married, I want to wear a dress like this. Or maybe just wear this dress- you think she’ll let me borrow it? That’s not tacky, right? Danny pretends he is not amused by the “when I get married” game. It’s okay D$, I know the truth, you sappy son of a gun.

perfection... and such a beautiful wedding

2. I love lifting ridiculously heavy weights. It makes me feel really cool and tough. The callouses on my hands remind me of my old days as a competitive gymnast. Sure, I didn’t stay on the team long enough to compete because four nights a week interfered with my eighth grade social life- but the pride in having a strong tough body is still one in the same.

baby biceps

3. After a conversation with Alyssa on how I’ve felt so BLAH with my appearance over the past couple months, she suggested I get some cute side bangs. I decided to listen to her advice and go for it- adding a nice trim too.

if the bathroom is a mess it's not my fault..

Only problem is- I somehow walked out of the salon with a strange feather floating underneath my pound of hair. Let’s play a game called “how long will it take Danny to notice?”


Stay classy, kids.

i’m not a princess. on sundays.

3 Nov

Hey y’all! Court said we are back for November, so as the loyal best friend I am I’ll go along with that. Back, baby!

I’ve honestly had no desire to blog lately because I’ve had no desire to READ any blogs. Aside from the blogs of those who comment on the cupcake and a few random others- I just haven’t been feelin it and can hardly stand to look at the “big” blogs I followed before.

I think I’m just sick of looking at the sugar laden oats of those working in the nutrition field, photos of dog slobber at lunch time, or comments that seem to kiss a WHOLE lotta arse. The novelty has worn off.

In contrast- I do MISS writing for fun as opposed to writing for work only. It feels good to have a place to channel my thoughts on my latest fitness craze. (Which is going awesomely well I must say!)

I’m seven weeks in to the 100 day challenge and still following the fitness regimen to a T.

The Paleo however? Meh. I’d say I’m Paleo-ish. I have been upping the protein like a mad woman and cutting out unnecessary carbs, but some of it just doesn’t seem worth it to me. Sure, I want a smokin bod but what I want even more is a tall bud light on football Sunday. (Times four.) I’ve been called a princess before, but I am NOT enough of a princess to sip on my vodka diets at 3pm on a Sunday afternoon. Beer me. (COUGH ALYSSA COUGH.. I’ll have that froyo date…)

bar fun > paleo fun

I’ll let y’all know how my measurements turn out.. I’m going to ask for a half-way point update! In the mean time I’ll continue sending Courtney photos of myself in fitting rooms as well as photos of my abs.

say yes to the dress

P.S. – I bought it! One wedding this weekend, and one next. Romance in the air in good ole VB.

xoxo Jamie

new in november

2 Nov

Guess what, guys! We’re back and better than ever. Expect less bowls of oatmeal and more Courtney/Jamie squabbling about life in lists because lists are much more fun.

Things you might have missed:

1. Courtney got bangs! Huge step in life.

2. Jamie lost half her shirt for Halloween.

3. We’ve been drinking way too much wine. (Is that anything new?!)

4. Entire bags of mini Reese’s should not be given to anyone except maybe Cely because she is awesome.  Unfortunately, Courtney was the victim of this crime and will have to strictly follow the serving size of 5.

what's a girl to do?

5. It’s hard to be nice sometimes. Why are we so mean lately? Is because our rent has increased… our old age is catching up to us… too much separation…the grind got us down..?

you mean we can't dance every day?!

6. Jamie did 36 pull ups.

It's totally the new Lululemon. Photo Cred: Alyssa

7. Treat Yo Self. Take a page out of Tom Haveford’s book (Parks & Recreation) and treat. yo. self. You’ll feel better in the morning.

8. Last, but certainly not least: The icons on iPhone are the only way to have conversations.

xoxo, Courtney

Paleo&Fitness, 100 Day Challenege

5 Oct

Hey friends! First of all: if you haven’t tried the cake vodka yet.. DO IT. No mixer or chaser necessary, it tastes like liquid icing and I don’t even enjoy vodka. (I drink it, but I don’t particularly like it- more of a bourbon/wine/beer girl. Oops?)

I got a few questions regarding the challenge at my gym so I thought I’d explain it in further detail! Apparently I’m only on day 17. Womp womp. The challenge lasts 100 days and it is basically a push to be the fittest you can be and healthiest in all aspects of life.

thanks, pinterest

The Fitness:

Two days a week (M&W) I have  hour long group training sessions. We do circuits involving heavy lifting, plyometrics, and even strange balance activities. (When you live at the beach and have surfers for trainers you find yourself kneeling on a ball, wiggling, and trying not to fall over.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays I go to a spin circuit class- and man it is INTENSE. The hardest fitness class I’ve ever been too but I feel like a rock star when I’m done. It’s basically 5 circuits ( 2 spinning -the instructor coaches you as if you’re in a spin class- 1 TRX station, and two stations involving workouts with dumbbells, medicine balls, etc.). It’s wild. The first day I wanted to cry but I’m approaching my 6th class and feeling stronger.)

On Fridays I’ve been instructed to stick with my long runs since I am training for The Surfin’ Santa 10 miler. I’ve been running one other day during the week if I have time, usually a short 3-4 mile boardwalk run on a M or W.

Saturdays I am supposed to go to yoga or any class at the gym that I want- usually I sleep in and go to breakfast with Danny.

Sundays, I rest.

The Diet:

I haven’t been following the suggested meal plan to a T, but I have been sticking with Paleo unless you count Saturday when I drank like 80 beers and ate 3 pieces of pizza and then passed out with the worst stomach ache of my life.

Aside from that- I love Paleo. I am the queen of getting on various kicks and then kicking them to the curb, but for now Paleo works. I’ve always had issues with acne and break outs, and for over the past two weeks my skin has been uncharacteristically clear. I also struggle with migraines, and I am hoping that cutting out the sugar and dairy will really help with my head.

If you read all of this- you are a champion! This is the challenge in a nutshell, and so far so good! I am fortunate enough to be able to work from home and get in all of the above workouts on my hour lunch break…definite bonus.

guess i got my swagger back

29 Sep

Truth is: (is anyone else facebook friends with an under 14 year old crowd..maybe you’ll get the reference..) I haven’t posted in awhile. This is mainly because for the last eleven fitness days of my life I’ve started something entirely new.

In short: I sold my soul to my gym. Some pretty sweet trainers decided to put a 100 day challenge in motion and my crazy ass decided it would be a fantastic idea to sign up. Basically, my fitness is currently in the hands of someone else, and I like it.

sore and still smilin'

A huge part of the plan revolves around the idea that it is impossible to out train a bad diet. For the past 11 days I’ve been following the Paleo diet, with the exception of two beers and a gummy bear.

Oh.. and maybe this as well:


If there’s anything better than cake, it’s cake that’ll get you drunk. 🙂

If you’re unfamiliar with paleo, I was excited to see that Dana wrote about it today here.

I also found this video to be incredibly helpful.

Aside from eating fist fulls of chicken, eggs, and fish.. I’ve been having a damn good time. I’m deep into the excitement of football season.


I’m incredibly proud to be #1 (and the only chick) in my fantasy team. When Danny agreed to let me on, he told me “You’ll have to keep up with it…”

Little did he realize I’d be the one obsessively checking my phone and computer all day. Little did he also realize that I’d be the biggest smack talker on the team. I think he’s afraid of me. Once again.. I kind of like it. 🙂

i just felt like runnin’

15 Sep

AH! A new post…FINALLY. I’ve been super busy lately- in addition to working full time I picked up a part time babysitting gig. Basically I pick up a 7 year old girl from school 2-3 days a week, help her with homework, then paint nails and watch the Disney channel until bed time. Doesn’t interfere with my weekends/friday nights out? I’ll take it, sistah.

Plus- I thrive off a busy schedule. I’m about 80% happier of a girl when I don’t have time to sit around and think about things like hurricanes, war, sharks, and calories. That’s just me.

For an update I can start off by telling you that I’m currently charging two beautiful things that I feel lucky as shit to have.

1. My Garmin
2. My iPhone

Let’s start off with the Garmin. I love running, I really do. But something about running on the treadmill or running in 90+ degree heat really makes me miserable. Now that it’s FINALLY cooling off (or shall I say- it will begin to cool off in the evenings and early stays pretty warm in VB until November) I’ve signed up for a race! The Surfin’ Santa 10 miler! I’m pumped, and tomorrow marks my first “long” run on my schedule- 4 miles… 😉

I’m extra excited because I’m running with my cousin’s wife Emily! This is her first race, and I am pumped to run together every Friday until December 3rd.

tailgaters gone runnin'

Moving on to 2. My boss decided to buy me an iPhone! I feel like a lucky internet marketer of a girl. Hard work pays off..sometimes not in the form of a raise but in the form of a beautiful gift. I’m afraid to take it out of the box- and it’s DEFINITELY staying home this weekend. iPhones and dollar vodkas don’t mix. Alyssa knows how many blackberrys I’ve gone through in the past few months..

who, me?

Happy ALMOST Friday! XO


burnout (and a habit kicked)

6 Sep

Hello pumpkins! I hope y’all had a super fantastic weekend. I spent mine at the first UVA football game of the season+kept up with my usual habit of partying at the beach. Amazing, fun, and sleepless as usual.

tailgating fun

One thing I gave up from Thursday-Sunday? THE GYM. Last Thursday I hit the gym and felt completely fatigued. After 10 minutes on the elliptical I felt hot and weird (almost feverish) and left the gym. I was so bummed on my walk home about my less than stellar workout and decided I’d give myself a scheduled break.

Four days in a row, no gym, no running, just living like (…the majority of Americans?..) do- without exercise. It felt GOOD. Monday morning I HIIT 😉 the gym for some intervals and heavy upper body weights with way more energy than I’ve had in AWHILE. I was proud of myself for really listening to my body and resting. Lately I’ve been working out M-F with weekends off from fitness but I really think four days seems to treat me better…Wednesday rest days it is..?

old rest day with courtney, captured on film.

Burnout sucks and I’d really like to prevent it. While I’m not one to compare myself to others much, I think that reading blogs has warped my idea of what an efficient exercise schedule can be. Some can hard every day- but I need more rest than that.

Something else I’ve officially given up? Counting calories.

As per conclusion to my kick the habit experiment:

I quit counting calories, and nothing awful happened (unless you count a hurricane and an earthquake..). My jeans still fit, I’m still a happy girl. I didn’t weight myself prior to quitting vs. now because I didn’t want it to be about that. I eat BETTER, more wholesome foods rather than junk to help me fill up an appropriate “number”. I (ALMOST) don’t think about food before my stomach does and I eat accordingly. (Unless you count a 2AM taco bell run..) All in -all, success feels good.

BFF: our differences

2 Sep

While we often times emphasize how similar we are, Jamie and I actually *DO* have some differences. GASP! :O That’s why we wanted to do a Best Friends Friday where we talk about some of the things that make each of us our own person. Catch up on our rules, or what BFF actually is here.

1. Jamie’s Dance Moves > Courtney’s Dance Moves.

Jamie could probably be a back-up dancer for Lil Wayne, and I on the other hand am very “white girl can’t dance.” My body sometimes feels like a Barbie when it tries to bend.. it just doesn’t move that way. Jamie tries to coach me along, but in her absence my skills are seriously lacking.

2. Jamie is a super romantic mushy-gushy Charlotte type. I am a practical, show less-feelings kind of gal. (Maybe more of a mix of Carrie and Samantha – without the raunchiness, and definitely skipping the lesbian episodes. :))


This is a good balance to have in friendship. I can bring Jamie back to reality, and Jamie can tell me when I’m not being mushy enough. Trust me, there’s times.

all about balance

3. In the theme of #2, this stems many (sometimes wine induced) proclamations of love on Facebook.

I, on the other hand, don’t think I have ever made one of these mushy statuses. I like to keep things more serious.

(A reference to my apartment woes..)

4. The herbivore (Courtney) and the carnivore (Jamie)

Anyone who lets eating habits get in the way of friendship is silly. We both respect each other’s choices and would never try to persuade the other to the dark side, or the light side.. 😉 Jamie actually willingly decided to try out vegetarianism a couple years ago and it just didn’t work out for her. Only we know what’s right for our bodies and as Gina says, “different strokes for different folks.”

5. I need hugging lessons. I dance like a barbie and hug like one too. Jamie will pull anyone into a giant embrace and usually has her arm around Danny at all times. I am more about personal space over here… I’m working on it. 😉

what jamie ate wednesday

31 Aug


Woohoo! Wednesday is just about over- I am so happy to be one step closer to the three day weekend! I have some plans that I am seriously excited about. Writing this WIAW is a bit sad for the last time I posted a WIAW I was busy staring at Justin Timberlake’s butt in the same day. Sigh. Today was rather normal, starting with breakfast.

most important meal of the day!

Uncle Sam’s cereal with chocolate almond milk and PB. Seriously..this tasted like cocoa krispies!

desktop salad

I had to make a quick run to the grocery store before work and decided I could splurge on a Harris Teeter salad bar lunch. Grilled chicken, eggs, cottage cheese..can you tell I’m amping up the protein here?

And with lunch… some white chocolate chips. I needed my sweet fix!

curbing cravings

I’ve made 2pm my designated snack time, I’m usually starving by then. (I eat lunch at 11am..grandma status.)

chicken of the sea

Tuna mixed with Smart Beat mayo (I’m telling you- SO good) + spicy brown mustard.

Post work I hit up the gym to complete 10 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill and 20 minutes of ellipticalling to the Kardashians. Nothing too intense- just wanted to get my butt moving on some cardio since I’ve been focusing more on weights lately!

Dinner was a lazy one- whole wheat pasta with chicken sausage and jarred (DON’T TELL MY MOM) sauce with spinach. I’m a bad, bad Italian girl today. The shame.

faux italiano

Right now I’m sippin’ on some water but let’s be real here, I’m sure I’ll have a glass of wine soon. I told myself I’d cut back on my week time wine consumption but Danny brought a giant bottle home for me post work Monday…that boy. Cheers!

alive and lifting

30 Aug

Hey friends! I’m alive! Courtney and I fared well in the storm. I know that Irene caused some rough damage to other areas along the coast but we were lucky enough to experience nothing but some wind and rain. And in my case- endless wine and brownies with Danny’s mom. We DID get home Sunday to find a large branch taking up most of our driveway- seriously how crazy does this branch look?

bend, and snap

As per request of Danny’s mom I sent our landlord a photo of the tree to keep him posted. He then emailed me back a powerpoint presentation in which he used my photos to compare and contrast hurricane Isabelle vs. Irene for work. I’m not sure whether that means the tree will be taken care of…? Interesting.

In other news, I bought myself a 9 dollar used gift, because I’m worth it.

Yeah! It just arrived at my doorstep an hour ago. I can’t wait to hunker down (am I 90?) and read this book. Expect a complete review- I’ve heard mixed reviews about The New Rules of Lifting for Women and I’m ready to form my own opinion.

Something I’m also ready to do? GO SHOPPING. I am in desperate need (as per the rules) of an outfit to wear to my cousin’s 30th birthday celebration this weekend. I’ve been so good at cutting back on my spending lately (read: not THAT good but better than normal) so I think I deserve some sort of purchase..Also, I played some gambling dice game with D$s friends on Sunday- I rocked their world and won 40 bucks without throwing any money in to play. (Some call it cheating, I call it hellooo forever 21.)

Back to work, then headed towards the gym! If anyone has any recipe ideas for dinner- point em my way. I’m feeling uninspired.